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Victory Chapel

Church of the Nazarene
Established: Sept 25, 1988

“Upon the rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” 

Matt. 16:18

It was the dawn of a new day for the Church of the Nazarene to begin a new work, and to continue preaching the Holiness message. On his return from Caribbean Nazarene Theological College, Rev. Antoine St. Louis was advised by his District Superintendent Rev. Frelon Cox (deceased), that it was time to start a new work.  Having completed three years of preparation for full time ministry, Rev. St. Louis already impregnated with this vision, ventured out to establish a work that would reach out and touch his community, bringing souls into the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  With much prayer and fasting this vision was nurtured and soon developed into a full-grown fetus-vision.  As the Lord prepared a place for the birth of this new work, intense, yet momentous labor pains ensued.  On Sunday September 25th,1988 Victory Chapel was born on Nassau Street. There were no complications during delivery. Rev. St. Louis shared this precious moment with Sis. Madge Kemp, Sis. Millie Joseph and her son, Bro. Arnold Justin and Bro. Franky Choute…...a total of six persons at this first worship service. Needless to say, the following Sunday Victory Chapel, packed to capacity with over a hundred, worshiped the Lord with thanksgiving and praise.

There were many obstacles along the way, nonetheless, Victory Chapel prevailed, for indeed this work was established under the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit, with a foundation in Jesus Christ, the Solid Rock. A year and a half later, Victory Chapel relocated to a rented building on Wulff Road (off Kemp Road). Here the church continued to grow touching and changing lives with the Gospel. Much was accomplished during Victory Chapel's tenure on Wulff Road, including the establishment of the Compassionate Ministry which came on stream in 1990.  Following, came the Men's' Fellowship Ministry followed by the Women's Fellowship Ministry.  Eventually, Victory Chapel outgrew this building and God open a door for relocation to Minnie Street in 1995. Many were pessimistic, for the building God had shown Rev. St Louis was a dilapidated structure beyond repair. However, Rev. St Louis, Deacon Daniel and a couple other Board members by faith saw the sanctuary God wanted them to build.

At the inception the building housed a small sanctuary and Sunday School room. God has been so good, that our attendance  increased to the point that the Sunday School room has since become an addition to the sanctuary. Unfortunately, the children had to be housed in the bus for children church (an inconvenience for a worthy cause). God soon smiled on the children as He usually does and made provision for the construction of  two air conditioned room that is presently used for Children's Sunday School and Children’s Church. The main sanctuary has since been air conditioned, and a sound room constructed. We have outgrown this building and are preparing by faith in the very near future to move into the sanctuary God is preparing for us. To God be ALL the glory!!

Since 2009.

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